First Name
Last Name
Instagram Handle
Which health areas are you struggling with?
*choose as many as you like
Losing weight (the last 10 lbs)
Losing weight (more than 10 lbs)
Gut troubles (pain, bloating, digestive issues and less-than-pleasant bowel movements/regularity)
Food addiction
Orthorexia (obsession with clean eating…and it’s not necessarily doing you any favors)
General toning up the bod & feeling like you LOOK GOOD NAKED again
If I could wave a magic wand and get rid of all of the health challenges you're struggling with right now, what would that look like?
Fill me in on what your weight-loss/health history looks like?
Give me the scoop on all of the health practitioners you've worked with before [nutritionists, coaches, spiritual/energy work, naturopathic doctors, acupuncture, etc]. And what has your experience been like with each?
Which of these things are you most excited to incorporate into your healthy journey?
Supplements & herbal medicine
Individualize food plan
A custom exercise regime
Additional detox
Energic & somatic (body-based) nervous system healing
Do you feel like you over- or undereat? A weird mix of both?
Do you think you’ve sabotaged your own weight loss and relationship to health? And if so, how?
On a scale of 0-10, how motivated are you to show up and do the work?
What makes you excited to work with me, and why now?
How did you find out about me?
[if it was TikTok or Instagram, can you remember which video/post grabbed you? I get it: this question is a bit annoying and might require you to go back to my social media profiles, but let me be totally honest: having this info is SO valuable for me and since we’re already vibin, I couldn’t help but ask].
Working with me is a $5K investment. Monthly payment plans available. What does your schedule look like over the next couple of months, when would you like to get started?