Hi there! My name is Tanya, and I am a registered nurse practicing in Toronto, Canada. After graduating from Trent University with a bachelor of science in nursing degree, I worked at two downtown Toronto hospitals, floating to a wide variety of medical, surgical and psychiatric in-patient and emergency units. I loved the fast pace and the skills I learned there- I was really able to gain invaluable insight into the role that allopathic medicine plays in the management of chronic disease and illnesses today (which sadly are on the rise, more and more), yet I always had a goal of working in a more holistic and integrative health setting.

In March of 2022 I began working under the guidance of Dr. Shari Caplan at a functional medicine clinic in North York, Ontario where I worked to support clients in achieving health and wellness using nutrition, nutraceutical supplementation, bio-identical hormone coaching, holistic approaches to weight loss and metabolism reset, intravenous nutritional therapy and female sexual health. It is here that Kiki and my paths crossed and a beautiful partnership was born. I am thrilled to be able to offer my guidance and health coaching services to those of you embarking on the 10/10 program, to help you achieve your health goals and support you on this precious, healing journey of life! 

My approach to health is guided by a holistic paradigm, meaning that I view myself and others as a whole; body, mind and spirit, and I believe that these components work synergistically to create healthy, thriving human beings. I believe that health is achieved by means of prevention first and foremost, but that the body also has an incredible ability to heal from states of disease and illness. From a young age I have been fascinated by the human body and how it works down to the molecular level- this fascination continues to drive my curiosity to understand how disease and illness become and manifest in the physical body. I am here to embrace the long and winding journey towards discovering root causes and optimal ways to support and heal the body using a holistic approach. I hope to ignite a source of inspiration for healing in everyone I meet. 

My vision is that it is within our reach to raise humanity up to a state of health and wellbeing that has never before been experienced, and thus create heaven on the earth where peace, love, harmony and abundance can truly abound! 

I can’t wait to work with you and see the amazing things we can accomplish together! 

Sending you all my best wishes, 

Tanya Thompson, RN, BScN

Still have questions? Want to chat with Tanya to ensure it’s the right fit before you begin?