The Reset Call
You desperately want to be in your skinny bitch era, but also: something keeps stopping you from getting there.
And, truth time: you’re *just* about ready to throw in the towel on this whole idea and settle in for another night with a rando TikTok recipe from your For You Page and whatever Real Housewives season is on TV RN.
Nope. That does *not* need to be your vibe anymore.
The Reset Call has entered the chat.
Have you ever felt like you just wanted to press an imaginary reset button on your entire weight & health struggle and scream “do over!” like we did in elementary school?
Well that’s exactly what’s gonna go down on your Reset Call with me.
WTF is a ‘Reset Call'‘?!…
A one-time 60 minute zoom call where we can go deep and start to untangle some of your food drama.
“Homework” exercises so you can immediately implement some of the shifts and changes we brainstorm together
A Reset Blueprint with my custom recommendations for tweaks/upgrades you can easily make in your life to get your application to the Skinny Bitch Club approved.
Price: $397
The changes and tweaks that you need to make to “reset,” lose 10 pounds, or simply get back on track are probably *way* more simple than you think.
Let’s figure them out together on your Reset Call.
"Kiki's program gave me EXACTLY what I’ve always been looking for weight loss and gut health. My body has never looked better! I am lean where I want to be lean, but I still have just the right amount of juiciness and feminine shape to my body."
Terry Martin
"It’s the biggest, best gift I’ve ever gotten and I could not have done it without Kiki. Scientifically proven ☑️ Completely attainable☑️ Fully supported ☑️ Expansive, fun, beautifying, and liberating ☑️"
Vanessa Marie
"Searching for answers on how to incorporate food in a sustainable, healthy, enjoyable way without gaining weight. I was also searching for body acceptance, and was at my wits end with macros and weighing and measuring my food. Not only did Kiki resolve all of those issues with me, she led me to a place of curiosity about my inner self, and nurtured me into a place of listening to and loving, me. "
Jo Paterson
Here’s your next move
Purchase your Reset Call here.
You’ll be asked to fill out a form with your email + timezone so that I can contact you directly and we can book a convenient time in our calendars. (*You’ll hear from me within 2 biz days!)
After that, we’ll get you all RESET!
Vero Cid