Are you replacing REST with FOOD?

I recently had an insightful conversation about our childhood & young adult relationship with food…and how it can (even unconsciously) impact our current habits as it relates to how and when we eat, with my friend Jessie from ATMA THINGS.

Okay, to give a little context as to how Jessie was even able to have this major “a-ha” moment in the first place (besides the fact that she’s the most radical bad-ass tarot reader & spiritual intuitive I have the pleasure of calling a friend - so I’d imagine this stuff comes easier to her) - she’s currently on a fast. Literally, a 41-day fast…yes, those exist. Do I recommend them? Probably not. For my clients suffering with disordered eating? Definitely not.

But that’s besides the point…

Having a chapter LITERALLY without food, for Jessie, is a time of extreme consciousness and tapping into inner knowings on a whole new level. This, I DO agree with: when we are clear with our gut connection (i.e. without the buffer of food) - we are able to connect deeply with our true identity and ultimately…see and feel our TRUTH on a much more intense level. *I would just say that we don’t have to completely FAST in order to tap into this…simply waiting for hunger and honouring the boundaries of the body is enough…but I totally respect everyone's unique CHOICE on this matter, and certainly that’s the case with my beloved Jessie!


Jessie shared with me how, when she was a young adult, perhaps even a teenager, she was working in her parents’ restaurant business and although it certainly had it’s lessons (her entrepreneurial spirit and strength she attributes to this positive influence) - it was filled with LONG, HARD hours.

Eating was a rushed break from reality. A desperate attempt at a break.

Fast forward decades later, Jessie understands that she had gotten herself into the habitual pattern of using food as her way to catch her breath, her method of pausing & recharging - instead of, well: just doing that. Just pausing. Just resting. Just literally…sleeping. The real nourishment she needed.

Today, because she did the self-work to recognize the pattern (I call these “non-value based beliefs with my clients), she can choose a new reality in her day-to-day life…like: sleep instead of eat.

Of course, Jessie shared many additional insights with me, but I felt like this one in particular would really resonate with my community of go-getter women who may be resisting REST. Is that you?




“It’s Your Body - It’s Not You.”