Official Proof + Permission: You Can Eat Whatever You Want & Be Thin

I still remember the day I ACTUALLY finally believed the single truth that set me free. It was the fact that healed me. Simply BELIEVING healed my physical body back to balance - restoring my period, curing my IBS, and quickly allowing me to lose all the excess weight I was carrying.

What is this miraculous secret I am dying for you to adopt as truth for you too? You can eat WHATEVER you want..and be skinny. Not only just that - you can be healthy too.

Okay, this might sound downright INSANE to you…or, if you’ve already worked with me & my method, you know it oh-too well - if you’re not picking up what I’m throwing down just yet, hang tight - I’m about to share 3 key pieces of evidence to help you settle into BELIEVING this reality for yourself too. Because whatever we believe, becomes truth for us.


I recently read a super fun book called Japanese Women Don't Get Old or Fat. It essentially highlights how Japanese people simply do not get fat…unless they leave their cultural traditions. It’s not their genes, it’s not even the particulars of their diet - it’s the fact that they just don’t eat THAT much. They take themselves to a feeling of lightness (not heaviness!) after their meals. They put small portions on gorgeous plates - not needing to fill the plate, nor even still finish the food. They make less feel like more through beautiful creations and tiny luxurious bites taken slowly and mindfully. 

Japan has the LOWEST obesity rates in the entire world, and it’s not some secret ingredient they are eating or not eating - it’s the AMOUNT. They are not suffering with chronic low-grade inflammation caused by overeating multiple times per day - day in and day out. 

When’s the last time you ate and then felt a bit heavy afterwards? I’m not talking about feeling nauseatingly stuffed - just a touch weighed down by the food. That subtle feeling of - oh, it feels like I had one or two bites too many. If you’re like most women I start working with - it’s not long ago…because it ends up being almost all of the time! 

If, instead, you ate to what I call “balance” - that nice neutral feeling of nothingness in your stomach…you likely wouldn’t be villainizing this food or that - you’d have no need to!

KEY EXAMPLE OF EVIDENCE #2: Food Scientist (Who Currently Works Alongside NASA…This Dude Is Smart) Confirms Eating Processed Food Has No Detrimental Effect On Health If Eaten in Moderation.

For this one, you might as well hear it straight from the horse’s mouth here.

Essentially, Food Scientist Dr. Kyle Landry  says that fast food IS harmful to health IF eaten every day CONSISTENTLY. But here’s the kicker…drumroll please…he addresses as a matter of fact: processed fast food has NO detrimental effect on health so long as it’s eaten in moderation. Boom! Again, more confirmation that it’s not so much the what…it’s the HOW MUCH that’s important.

KEY EXAMPLE OF EVIDENCE #3: Your Skinny AF Friend Who In Fact Eats [Insert Food You Are Avoiding Because You’re Worried It Will Make You Fat]

This one gets turned over to you babe (with a little guidance from yours truly!). Be honest…do you know someone who ISN’T “fat” - but still eats all the foods you think would make YOU fat? 

Now I’m about to say something that will absolutely without a doubt piss you off…but sorry not sorry, you need to know the truth (the truth will set you free, as they say!): it’s not her “fast metabolism”. Sure, some women can overeat and either work it off through excessive exercise or simply because their metabolism is high, BUT we can ALL eat ALL the foods we love and not gain weight - in fact, we can do it and be skinny AF. The devil is in the details - in this case: the portions. 

Having some chocolate, some fries, some pasta, some cookies…none of these things will make you gain weight. It’s eating TOO MUCH of these foods that will. Your skinny friend only eats these foods until they feel balanced and still nice and light - knowing she can happily and freely eat them again whenever she chooses…there’s no shame, no judgment, no restriction. And thus: less is consumed overall. 

Isn’t it about time you stopped making your life so hard? Isn’t it time you stopped limiting yourself to the deliciousness of a variety of all foods? Especially the tasty ones you love?

Let this be your reminder that you can be the hot gorgeous SKINNY bitch you want to be AND eat the foods that please you…in amounts that please your body. Enjoy!

Wanna take the next step? How about grabbing my Skinny Bitch Vision Board template link in another one of my blog posts here, and start stepping into the reality you deserve!


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