The No-More-Thinking-About-Food Method.
We have stomachs for a reason. They alert us of when we need to take a STOP from the movement of our lives and START eating. This stop of living + start of eating, followed by a stop of eating + start of living, is the definition of health.
You were born knowing this, feeling this, and innately following these bodily communication signals. It was easy. It was always meant to be easy. There was never any need to “think” about eating. You were alerted (viscerally) by your stomach. Your head brain was devoted to creativity & strategic thinking.
But then things got weird. You were told to eat certain things and not others. You were advised to eat only at certain times - and not at others. You were told to “portion control” with your head - not by the feeling in your stomach. You were guided on a path towards restriction, control, deprivation.
It worked well - until it didn’t.
You want your mind back. You want the comfort in your stomach back. You want to live your life abundantly again, like you used to. When life was simple and you were slim and naturally “healthy” - without all of the rules, supplements, and “health appointments”.
The journey back?
Hunger + Taste.
^These are the innate boundaries of the body. We all have them. It’s a re-learning, an allowing, a release of the need to think your way out of this. It’s a FEELING.
Follow your way back by eating when you FEEL like it (i.e. hunger) and by choosing the foods that FEEL good to you (i.e. taste).
Your natural state is wellness. You can accept abundance, or fight with fear.
Which will you live out today?